Now i was thinking if i can just get 4 people who want it, we can save €10,- each
Current people:
- Me
- Bart (Classmate)
- EMTPY (Maybe my brother)
First ones to reply here are the first ones to get a spot in the list. I'll confirm on my brother later
- Personal handing of money or send to PayPal possibility
- Steam account
A problem that may occur for some of you would be trust; whether i keep my word on giving it etc.
I can tell you i WILL give you the game after you payed but i think you wont believe me straight away (why would it else be a problem?) but only if someone else confirms this (which is a good way of looking at this type of posts imo)
EDIT: Oh and if someone i know personally happens to want it, i'll take them in even if someone else posted here earlier; Handing over money and game can be done without things like 'Send game first then i'll pay' or vice versa :V
They'll be standing next to me buying it